Shenzhen Java User Group = SZJUG
报名 Register for any event and get SMS reminder as your ticket. 在门口给看短信就行。Coming and planned meetings
WebRTC meetup, Thursday November 21st 2019 19:00 to 21:00
Topics | 主题
- Marc "Intro to Web RTC"
- Paul Verest "Next Generation Communication Systems"
Topics details| 主题
- "Intro to Web RTC" Since 2017, WebRTC is supported by all major web browsers. This standard API allows developers to integrate features requiring low-latency communication between users into their web applications, such as video conferencing, peer-to-peer file sharing, multiplayer games, …etc. The goal of this presentation is to introduce WebRTC, by showing demos and the code behind them that uses this API. We will also talk about the impact of using this technology on an application infrastructure.
- Next Generation Communication Systems
Marc is a full stack engineer from France. He is passionate about software and electronics and has close to eleven years of experience in Java back-end and web front-end development. Lately, Marc focuses on e-commerce and cloud technologies. In his free time, he enjoys learning about the Chinese culture and hiking the mountains surrounding Shenzhen.
Paul is veteran of software industry with 20 years of experience. He lives in China for 10 years and speaks 5 languages.
How it works
- Everyone can suggest a Java-related topic (via GitHub Pull Request or GtiHub issue, WeChat group or on meeting)
- Presenter defines what and how to present, including language. 当然可以用中文,我们在中国。
- Order is usually FIFO, organizers and presenters can discuss to move, e.g. to make it logical

How to support
It is all up to an organization, invite and come to the meeting, give a little prize to active developers.
We are to thank on meetings start, on this site and however else we can.
Past meetings
Shenzhen JUG afterparty after Oracle Code Tuesday, April 16, 2019 19:00 to 21:00
Topics | 主题
- Java SE future technical investments, by Sharat Chander, Oracle
- GraalVM in one of three, Yudi Zheng 郑雨迪, Oracle Labs
Shenzhen Java User Group January 2018 meeting 2018年1月18日 7点
Topics | 主题
- Developing an Android app in Java, by I-Tang Hiu
- Java 9 first trying, by Paul Verest
- 5 min Lightning talks by guests (5分钟内介绍你的思维,项目等等)
Eclipse DemoCamp Oxygen Shenzhen 2017年6月29日 7点
at Shenzhen, NanShan, Shenzhen Software Industry Base, Innovalley cafe 深圳市南山区深圳软件基地创新谷咖啡 https://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse_DemoCamps_Oxygen_2017/ShenzhenTopics | 主题
- Eclipse Foundation projects and news
- Eclipse Oxygen IDE Tips and Tricks and the Best Plugins by Paul Verest
- 5 min Lightning talks by guests (5分钟内介绍你的思维,项目等等)
Oracle Workshop 甲骨文Java云技术快速入门体验活动
Oracle all-day hands-on Java Cloud Service Workshop in Oracle Shenzhen office (in Chinese)随着越来越多的企业选择使用 PaaS 云服务来部署企业应用, 如何方便的快速构建基于公有云的 PaaS 云平台, 如何顺利快速的将企业的本地应用移植到云端,是企业与云服务商共同面临的课题。为应对如此挑战,Oracle 推 出了 Java 云服务,来帮助企业快速实现一步登云。
甲骨文公司诚邀您参加本次 Java 云技术快速入门体验活动,您将了解到最新的 Oracle 云成果,包括 Java 云 和数据库云服务的技术特性,并动手亲身体验如何快速的构建 Java 和数据库云服务,如何实现在云端的应用部署 和运维,如何通过 APP2Cloud 的迁移工具快速实现将本地应用迁移到云端的过程。
2017 年 4 月 14 日(星期五)8:30-17:30

注册链接 https://yoopay.cn/event/OracleWorkshop2017
OSGi联盟2017年开发者拓展会议 - 万物互联与OSGi(2017年3月28日晚7点,坂田华为基地,免费向所有人开放)

Topics | 主题
- 19:00 : 开场介绍 - Kai Hackbarth (Bosch & OSGi联盟)
- 19:10 : 中国OSGi用户论坛 - Jeff Liu (Richstone Data Technologies)
- 19:20 : OSGi和物联网 - 甘璐 (华为)
- 20:00 : OSGi工具 - Liferay基于OSGi解决方案的实践分享 - Terry Jia (Liferay)
- 20:40 : 博世如何用OSGi构建IoT生态 - Xie Chao (Bosch)
注册链接 https://yoopay.cn/event/osgidevevent2017
IoT at SZJUG, March 7th 2017, 7pm

Topics | 主题
- "Introduction to Eclipse SmartHome and openHAB" by Kai Kreuzer, Deutsche Telekom, Eclipse SmartHome
project lead and founder of openHAB, visiting Shenzhen from Frankfurt, Germany.
UPDATE: (get Eclipse SmartHome.pdf) - "Eclipse IoT" by Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director at Eclipse Foundation, Director at Open Source Initiative (OSI)
UPDATE: (get Eclipse IoT Overview.pdf) - 软件工程师应当如何参与IoT的 by 朱晨, Thoughtworks
- 5 min Lightning talks by guests (5分钟内介绍你的思维,项目等等)
Free ticket for Devoxx US (in San Jose) has to be raffled off before February 27th. Ask in WeChat group if you are interested.
UPDATE: Went to 朱晨
provides one 100% discount coupon code for IntelliJ IDEA.
UPDATE: Went to 陈深招
GitHub company
provides awesome stickers
and as paper handouts: GitHub git cheat sheet, markdown syntax, the GitHub flow.
Lulutang 鹿鹿糖 company provides some sweets and candies.
See venue address, direction and register at https://yoopay.cn/event/84011791
or below and get SMS with details.Photos of all presenters:


January 19th 2017 meeting at 7pm
Topics | 主题
- Spring Security by Manish Sharma, EPAM
- 前后端分离后的契约测试 / Contract by example (in Chinese) by 祁兮(Macdao), Thoughtworks
- Gradle vs Maven by Paul Verest, SZJUG
- 5 min Lightning talks by guests (5分钟内介绍你的思维,项目等等)
provides one 100% discount coupon code for IntelliJ IDEA,
that will go to the best speaker (decided by vote).
GitHub company
provides gifts for speakers, volunteers and active guests:
$7.00 * 6 months to start with private repositories
Also for every guest awesome stickers and as paper handouts: GitHub git cheat sheet, markdown syntax, the GitHub flow.
Lulutang 鹿鹿糖 company provides some sweets and candies.
register below or at https://yoopay.cn/event/20274011

December 15th 2016 meeting at 7pm
GitHub company
$7.00 * 6 months to start with private repositories
Also for every guest awesome stickers and as paper handouts: GitHub git cheat sheet, markdown syntax, the GitHub flow.
Lulutang 鹿鹿糖 company provides some sweets and candies.
Topics | 主题
- Spring Boot (again) by Paul Verest
- "AWS... API, gateway, dynamo db, kinesys etc" by Aman Manocha (remotely)
- "Angular 2" by Emanuel Darlea (remotely)
- "Introduction to Apache Spark" by Ruslan Dautov
- 5 min Lightning talks by guests (5分钟内介绍你的思维,项目等等)
see more details at https://community.oracle.com/events/4169
register below or at https://yoopay.cn/event/84794909

November 2016 meeting
on November 18th, 7pm
GitHub company
$7.00 * 6 months to start with private repositories
Also for every guest awesome stickers and as paper handouts: GitHub git cheat sheet, markdown syntax, the GitHub flow.
Topics | 主题
- "Asynchronous versus non blocking development in Java" by I-Tang Hiu
- Solbit, the Educational Android Robot http://solbitrobot.com by James Kirk
- 5 min Lightning talks by guests (5分钟内介绍你的思维,项目等等)
see more details and register at https://community.oracle.com/events/3927
ATTENTION: date was moved from Thursday to Friday.

Shenzhen JUG Meetup #12 (Spring Boot, JHipster, Neural Networks in action)
on September 22nd in TroubleMakers space (to be confirmed).GitHub company

$7.00 * 6 months to start with private repositories
Also for every guest awesome stickers and as paper handouts: GitHub git cheat sheet, markdown syntax, the GitHub flow.
Topics | 主题
- Spring Boot quick start by Paul Verest
- Fast app bootstrapping with JHipster by Alex Pastukhov
- Neural Networks in action by Peter Gordiievych
- 5 min Lightning talks by guests (5分钟内介绍你的思维,项目等等)
Shenzhen JUG Meetup #11 (Docker, Socket.io, JHipster)
on August 11th in TroubleMakers space.GitHub company

$7.00 * 6 months to start with private repositories
Also for every guest awesome stickers and as paper handouts: GitHub git cheat sheet, markdown syntax, the GitHub flow.
Topics | 主题
- Introduction into Docker Ecosystem by Alex Pastukhov
- Realtime Web and Socket.IO by Juriy Bura
- Neural Networks with Java by Peter Gordiievych
- Fast app bootstrapping with JHipster (Alex Pastukhov)
- 5 min Lightning talks (5分钟内介绍你的思维,项目等等)

Genuitec, LLC provides a free year licenses
for Webclipse/JSjet to every guest.

$7.00 * 6 months to start with private repositories
Also for every guest awesome stickers and as paper handouts: GitHub git cheat sheet, markdown syntax, the GitHub flow.
See also Eclipse cheat sheets.- What's new in Eclipse Neon IDE and other Eclipse projects, 20 min by Paul.
- JavaScript development in Eclipse Neon with Webclipse /JSjet by Piotr Tomiak, Genuitec (remotely from EU)
- Polyglot Maven IDE Pack and Nodeclipse story, 20 min by Paul
- coffee, socializing | 咖啡,交流
- no remote demos
- 5 min Lightning talks (5分钟内介绍你的思维,项目等等)
Registration page.必须要报名。
Starting at 6:30pm, Talks at 7:00pm

Scala / Clojure / Kotlin / ... JVM-hosted languages SIG - joint event with HK Functional Programming group (on May 28th, Saturday)
RED GRAPE- Scalaz by Tiger Chan, SZ
- Intro to Lambda Calculus (lightning talk by Tomas, HK)
- ...
- 5 min Lightning talks (5分钟内介绍你的思维,项目等等)
Here is the lambda calculus game http://worrydream.com/AlligatorEggs/ useful for explaining it to children or non technical colleagues. Interactive/animated version is here http://propella.blogspot.hk/2011/09/yet-another-alligator-eggs-animation.html

CANCELED - Spring Boot workshop in KeJiYuan (on May 19th 6:30pm)

Android SIG meeting
Android SIG meeting on Saturday, April 23rd: Android and IoT
$7.00 * 6 months to start with private repositories
Also for every guest awesome stickers and as hard paper: GitHub GIT CHEAT SHEET, markdown syntax, the GitHub flow.

- "React Native for Android" by Tomasz
- "Android versions history, using gradle in Eclipse and Android Studio" by Paul Verest 微保罗
- "Android testing in Cloud" by Alex
- "Android with Groovy" by Ali
- Pizza, socializing | 比萨,交流
- 5 min Lightning talks (5分钟内介绍你的思维,项目等等)
Learn address after registration. 报名后收到具体地址。
E-commerce Day (planned in spring) 电子商务会(计划在春季)
$7.00 * 6 months to start with private repositories

"e-Commerce with Spring" in Spring on Saturday March 19th 4-6 speakers 50-60 minutes each, with coffee breaks.
Dedicated site at http://szjug.github.io/conference/ Propose topic | 建议主题, Call for speakers links.- "E-commerce: Chinese market & technology landscape" by Paul Verest 微保罗, Independent/SZJUG
- SAP hybris与银联支付的集成 by Eric
- 专为 SAP hybris开发的售后服务控制台 by Servus
- and inviting more topics
- Pizza, socializing | 比萨,交流
- 5 min Lightning talks (5分钟内介绍你的思维,项目等等)
Learn address after registration. 报名后收到具体地址。

2月18日还没有什么计划。Nothing is yet planned for Feb 18th.

Happy Chinese New Year, year of Fire Monkey!
猴年吉祥又快乐, 祝猴年万事如意!

Meeting on January 21st 1月21日 深圳 Java 用户组会

Propose topic | 建议主题
- 7pm: Java 8 (English) by Arvind Verma
- 8pm: MongoDB 3.2中的最新功能 (中文, "MongoDB 3.2 new features" in Chinese, remotely) by TJ(Jianfa) Tang, MongoDB Inc
- MongoDB 3.2 and Spring Data (English,中文) by Paul Verest. Examples: 1 & 2
- Pizza, socializing | 比萨,交流
- 5 min Lightning talks (5分钟内介绍你的思维,项目等等)

See all photos.
Meeting on December 17th
Propose topic | 建议主题- Actor pattern using Akka by Aman Manocha
- Reactive architecture, The Reactive Manifesto
- ReactiveX, RxJava
- "Java 9 modules" postponed as Java 9 is delayed 6 months
- Pizza, socializing | 比萨,交流
- 5 min Lightning talks (5分钟内介绍你的思维,项目等等)
HackFest and the Global Day of Coderetreat on November 14th
11月14日周六: 亿磐黑客马拉松Saturday, November 14th
There's going to be Talks as well (Search, Mobile, Cloud).
场地在 simplywork.cn space 2.0: 中国深圳市南山区科发路1号富利臻大厦3层思微

报名: register for GDCR.
12-15th Nov.2015 there's also UX event "User Friendly 2015" 还有 UX 活动 11月12日到15日 http://www.userfriendly.org.cn.
Meeting on October 15th
10月15日周四7点钟Meeting on Octob er 15th 7pm
- Spring Boot, Spring Data, JPA and Spring Security by Gary Pan, 国语用英文幻灯片/Chinese with slides in English
- Pizza
- Docker for Java Dev. Explains Docker features step by step and how it could be used for Java developer; with example and demo. by Izzet Mustafayev (remotely)
- CQRS is becoming increasing popular these days for creating highly performant and scalable applications. by Aman Manocha
- 5 min Lightning talks (5分钟内介绍你的思维,项目等等): reactive architecture, ...
- Java 8 and Java 9 by Paul Verest 伟保罗, English/Chinese 双语 (get .ppt)

Big Data SIG
On September 17th 7pm we did Big Data meet-up | 9月17日7点欢迎欢迎你参加- Apache Hadoop, English
- Apache Kafka by Melanga Dissanayake, English. (presentation pdf)
- Geospatial data. Big Data? by Tomasz Kozlowski, English :
scala+mongodb and how to deal with geospatial data

Eclipse SIG
Eclipse DemoCamp 2015
DemoCamp 2015 on July 22nd. Topics:
Eclipse Foundation and IDE, XMind, Vert.x.,
Registration is obligatory. 必须要报名。 - registration page
Spring SIG